ITC 27th Anniversary & SHAS 12th Anniversary Dinner
Island Taekwondo Centre (ITC) and Sun Hapkido Academy Singapore (SHAS) commemorated its 27th and 12th anniversary respectively with family and friends at the Little Island Brewery Company on 31 March 2019.
It was also the first anniversary celebration since the dojang found a new home at Kensington Square! Students and their loved ones came for a night of good food and fun as we marked another year of personal growth and camaraderie for all who are part of the ITC and SHAS family. We also had a guest instructor, Mr Kenichi Nonaka, from Matsumoto Japan and his family with us.
Although this year’s dinner took on a more relaxed vibe as compared to previous years’ formal dinners, it still retained all the key aspects of the usual anniversary dinner. For one, we gave Sir a formal greeting at the start of the dinner – drawing a bit of attention from the rest of the crowd who were happily enjoying their dinner and drinks under fairy lights. There was also a lot of excitement when it came to the lucky draw segments. Given the relaxed vibes of the Little Island Brewery Company by Changi Beach, the organising committee specially selected a beach party theme for the dinner and prepared prizes for the best dressed male, female, boy and girl. There were many contenders for each category and contestants were welcomed to do a short catwalk to win votes. Turns out many of our members had some hidden talent in modelling!
As the dinner drew to an end, there were many smiles and well-wishes as every one took their leave and agreed to meet again at the dojang. For me, it personally felt meaningful to be able to be part of this family and participate in the greeting this year after attending last year’s dinner as a guest. Here’s wishing ITC and SHAS a wonderful year ahead where both clubs grow from strength to strength!
Written by Ms. Angeline Goh, White Belt, ITF Singapore
© Island Taekwon-Do Centre 2019